As Water Treatment Practitioners our primary focus is on the effective and efficient: management, operations, maintenance, monitoring and control of water service works as well the production and delivery of the desired end products which poses zero harm to health of the immediate community and the environment.
The Constitution
The Association is a body with its own legal identity, established and empowered in terms of this Constitution and empowered by the contingent rights arising from this Constitution. The Association is separate from and has an independent existence from its individual members and as such, it shall exist by virtue of perpetual succession and shall continue to exist even if the members change.
Download constitution here……
Our Vision
Our vision towards Zero sewage spillage and Zero water quality failures.
Our Motto
To manage our water services work with integrity, dedication and a commitment to move towards Institutes of water service excellence;
To create a networking group of Process Controllers and/or Water Treatment Practitioners who voluntary offer their services in promoting and protecting the values that we stand for; To instil a sense of pride and affirmation in every Process Controller, and irrespective occupational rank.
Our Objectives
to create a platform for all persons engaged in the management, operations, maintenance, monitoring and control of water services works;
to form an active partnership with National Government and its strategic partners, including, but not limited to the Sector Education and Training Authorities, the South African Local Government Authority, and Educational and Research Institutions;
to form an active partnership with the Water Services Engineering fraternity, key sector stakeholders and sponsors regarding current and emerging challenges facing the safe and sustainable management of water services works;
to form an active partnership with other Africa countries regarding current and emerging challenges facing the sustainable management of water services works in the African Continent;
to form an active partnership with reputable International Water Organisations who are willing to share their water knowledge, skills and expertise with emerging countries;
to influence legislation affecting persons engaged in the management, operations, maintenance, monitoring and control of water services works;
to participate in projects aimed at standardising employment practices within Water Services Institutes e.g job description templates for different categories of Process Controllers;
to raise an awareness of the importance of training, education, coaching, mentoring and control of water services works sector and with the vision of exporting local practitioner skills;
to develop appropriate marketing and branding material to promote the work of practitioners engaged in the management, operations, maintenance, monitoring and control of water services works;
to work towards a common understanding that will balance the advances made with water research science and the application of the science at water service works level;